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Match of the Day magazine subscription

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Match of the Day Magazine, magazine subscriptions, magazine subscription, magazine subscriptions UKssMatch of the Day magazine is the must-read title for all football-mad youngsters. It's packed with star interviews, match results from the weekend and hot football gossip, plus exciting posters, quizzes and competitions. The magazine also has an eight-page pull-out skills guide that encourages its young readers to get active and improve their own game.

Publisher: BBC Worldwide Limited


Merchant Delivery location Payment type Term (months) Issues Price / Issue Total price Free gift
Buysubscriptions United Kingdom Direct Debit 3 13 £1.19 £15.5
Buysubscriptions United Kingdom Direct Debit 3 13 £1.49 £19.4
Magazine Subscriptions United Kingdom £51.7439
Magazine Subscriptions United Kingdom £51.7439
Buysubscriptions United Kingdom Credit Card 12 51 £1.59 £81.1
Magazine Subscriptions United Kingdom £97.5196
Magazine Subscriptions United Kingdom £97.5196