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Craftseller magazine subscription

(based on vote)

Craftseller is for everyone who wants to make and sell. Make money from your crafting with this brand new magazine featuring quick projects and how to sell them. Now's your chance to: try new crafts - knitting, cross stitch, papercraft, sewing and more, learn how to turn your hobby into a business, discover how to sell online and find out how to donate your makes to a good cause. More


Merchant Delivery location Payment type Term (months) Issues Price / Issue Total price Free gift
Origin Publishing United Kingdom Direct Debit 6 £3.49 £20.96
Buysubscriptions United Kingdom Direct Debit 12 13 £3.49 £45.41
Origin Publishing United Kingdom 13 £3.99 £51.9
Buysubscriptions United Kingdom Credit Card 12 13 £3.99 £51.9